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Writing Ansible Playbook

Back in 2018 when I joined InfraCloud, I had a nice opportunity to spend my first day writing an Ansible playbook to setup my new machine. Though I knew what Ansible is and how it works, I had never tried writing a playbook.

Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates.
– Ansible Documentation

Read more about it at What is Ansible? | and How Ansible Works |

Writing the first playbook

I followed the official documentation for playbooks, which helped me to get started. A playbook is set of plays. A play has list of tasks, hosts to run the tasks on etc. Each task uses a module to perform the operations. Basic example is the dnf module, which can be used to install packages.

Using --ask-become-pass for privilege escalation

I was using sudo ls before running the playbook, so that any task using sudo internally will not fail. This was not the right way to give a playbook the privileges it needs. Akshay helped me to understand how to use --ask-become-pass argument to ansible-playbook command in order run tasks which need privileged access.

$ ansible-playbook --help
    -K, --ask-become-pass
                        ask for privilege escalation password

Difference in lineinfile and blockinfile

While having discussion with Akshay, I realized that using blockinfile module helps us to create or update a text block. Basically, when we run the same playbook multiple times, it will not add the text multiple times. It just updates the existing block, as there are marker comments which work as identifiers for Ansible. Using blockinfile was more appropriate in my case as I was working with a complete text block rather than just a line. Whereas for lineinfile, we need to have proper regex, which make it possible to replace particular line or insert a new line before or after the lines matching given regex.

In one day, I was able to write a very simple playbook which could install few packages and create the configuration for Powerline. While writing it, I learned how to use loops, ask-become feature and modules like lineinfile, blockinfile, dnf.

Workstation setup with the playbook

Few months back I bought a new machine. And this time, I wanted to setup the workstation using Ansible. After a year of procrastination, finally I started improving the playbook further. Now the playbook does complete setup of the machine which has Fedora installed, which I can use as my workstation.

The playbook does the following work,

  • Installs all the packages including the ones for Python and Node.js
  • Makes changes to GNOME settings like fonts, night light etc
  • Adds desktop entries
  • Setup dotfiles along with Emacs, git and bash configurations
  • Installs some tools which are nothing but binary files

Link to the workstation setup repository:

Setting up the dotfiles

To setup the dotfiles, I decided to start using GNU Stow. It helps to manage symlinks to files located in a directory. The following set of tasks first check if the symlink .stowed exist in user’s home. If it’s not there, then it clones the dotfiles repository and stows the files. It also removes the .bashrc before running stow if it already exist.

# tasks/dotfiles.yaml
- name: Check if already stowed
    path: ~/.stowed
  register: st
- name: Remove existing .bashrc from home
    path: ~/.bashrc
    state: absent
  when: st.stat.islnk is not defined
- name: Clone the dotfiles repository
    dest: ~/src/dotfiles
  when: st.stat.islnk is not defined
- name: Stow the dotfiles
  shell: |
        stow --verbose 2 --dir "${HOME}/src/dotfiles" --target "${HOME}" .
  when: st.stat.islnk is not defined

Downloading files and verifying checksum

The get_url Ansible module can be used to download files. It accepts checksum as parameter and verifies that once the file is downloaded. Value of this parameter can be an URL to checksum file or the checksum value itself with algorithm. It only supports the checksum format where the checksum and file name is present. It looks something like this,

$ sha256sum dive_0.9.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz
2e1cd4a28d8ac9ed72ce…afc6e271bda02974dde8  dive_0.9.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz

But most of the files I wanted to download had just the checksum value in the files. Workaround for this is to download the checksum file first and then use lookup to save it in a variable. This variable can be passed as checksum value to get_url. Take a look at ansible/ansible#48790 (comment) for more details.

# tasks/binaries.yaml
- name: Create a temporary directory
    state: directory
    prefix: "setupit."
  register: tmpdir
- name: Download checksum files
    url: "{{ k8s_version }}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl.sha512"
    dest: "{{ tmpdir.path }}/setupit-checksum-kubectl-sha512"
- name: Download binaries
    url: "{{ k8s_version }}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl"
    dest: "~/.local/bin/kubectl"
    checksum: "sha512:{{ bin_sha }}"
    mode: u+x
    bin_sha: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ tmpdir.path }}/setupit-checksum-kubectl-sha512') }}"

You can find the complete implementation in tasks/binaries.yaml and vars/binaries.yaml

Using tar to extract only one file from archives

Some of the binaries which I wanted to setup were released as tar archives. I wanted to extract only one file from those files. I even wanted to modify the name in the case of Helm v3 binary. The Ansible module unarchive uses gtar to extract files. It accepts extra_opts parameter, these are the arguments which are passed to gtar command.

# tasks/binaries.yaml
- name: Extract Helm 3 binary as helm3
    src: "{{ tmpdir.path }}/helm3-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
    remote_src: yes
    dest: "~/.local/bin"
    - "--add-file"
    - "linux-amd64/helm"
    - "--strip-components"
    - "1"
    - "--transform"
    - "s/helm/helm3/"
  • The argument --add-file extract only linux-amd64/helm from the archive
  • --strip-components removes the given number of leading components from the name i.e. linux-amd64 and extracts the helm binary in ~/.local/bin/ instead of ~/.local/bin/linux-amd64
  • --transform applies given sed replace expression to file names

Sources 1, 2, 3.

Improvements to the playbook

I got my playbook reviewed by Akshay and Chandan. We came up with the following modifications which I will be doing.

  • Convert the playbook to an Ansible role
  • Using block to combine multiple tasks
  • Make it more configurable so that others can use it as required



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