Jun 14, 2019
I have been using Emacs for more than 6 months. mbuf and me were discussing about some way to package Emacs as container image so that we can run that image to test things, triage bugs for a particular version etc. Before getting started with that, he wanted me to have idea about existing bugs of Emacs and how to triage them, so that I get better idea of whole work flow.
Apr 2, 2019
Around 6 months ago the wrist watch that I was using from last 11 years broke. It was not possible to get it repaired as company does not manufacture any parts of it now. I was looking for an alternative but didn’t like any other normal watches available. So I decided to buy Amazfit Bit by Huami. Huami is brand by Xiaomi. While I’m not really interested in the steps count, sleep count, I liked the design of the watch.
Mar 23, 2019
This is another blog post I wrote. It is about a tool called Thanos which can be used to setup highly available Prometheus. It was published at infracloud.io on 8th December, 2018.
HA + Scalable Prometheus with Thanos
Mar 22, 2019
I wrote a blog post about scaling workloads in Kubernetes based on the metrics generated by applications. It was published at infracloud.io on 20th November, 2018.
Kubernetes Autoscaling with Custom Metrics
Mar 17, 2019
As I said in the last blog post about Emacs, I use Org mode a lot. It’s the default mode I use for taking notes, tracking tasks etc. The export interface it provides is a really useful feature. There are a lot of packages, which provide ways to export the Org mode file to other formats like Markdown in addition to default supported formats HTML, PDF, text etc.
Presenting within Emacs A few months ago I had a talk on Autoscaling in Kubernetes within our company.
Feb 18, 2019
From the title you may think this is another post or debate on <your favorite editor here> vs GNU Emacs. I will be talking about how I started using Emacs and why it is the best tool I have ever used.
How it started During dgplug summer-training 2018, we had series of sessions on GNU Emacs. Thanks to mbuf, the whole series helped me a lot to get started with Emacs and now I use it for all my editing.
Feb 8, 2019
It’s been nearly a year since I have posted anything on my blog. So, where I was? I was planning to migrate this blog from the WordPress setup to a static site generator. Started doing that, later got busy with other stuff and it kept getting delayed. But I really wanted to write a new blog post once I get the site migrated. Finally I have the blog migrated completely to HUGO.
Feb 20, 2018
You must have heard about diceware passwords before. If not, then the following image explains about it. It’s all about length of the password!
I came across this tool called diceware which helps to generate these kind of passwords by using wordlists. Kushal packaged this for Fedora, he wanted people to test his rpm build, so he posted link to the build on #dgplug. While testing, I just passed random string to the command:
Feb 1, 2018
When Fedora 27 was released I was updating my office laptop and suddenly laptop turned off while installing the update after reboot. Probably it was dead because of battery. It was not even starting. Situation w​as- both the old and new versions of same package were present. After searching a bit, I found this forum thread which solved my problem. And laptop came back to life. In this post I will explain the steps I used to recover my laptop.
Dec 7, 2017
In Steam Summer sale of 2017, I had bought Left 4 Dead 2 just for Rs. 64. I played it once or twice and after that never played it again, as it was installed on Windows. I no longer use Windows on my laptop. Left 4 Dead 2 is also available for Steam OS (works on other Linux distros too), so I decided to install it on Fedora.
Installing Steam on Fedora SimoneCaronni who is the author of negativo17.